Welcome to the magical world of Bézier curve.
The Bézier curves are drawn using the De Casteljau's algorithm.
Use Bézier curve to draw cool images.
- Click on empty canvas to add a curve.
- Click on a curve to select the curve.
When a curve is selected:
- Press "ESC" key to unselect.
- Press "DELETE" key to remove the selected curve.
- Click on the canvas to add a new control point.
- Click on the control point to select it.
- Click and drag on the control point to move it.
When a control point is selected:
- Press "DELETE" key to remove the selected control point.
Note: Deselect the selected curve to select another curve.
Code available at: GitHub
Learn More About Bézier curve:
Video: The Beauty of Bézier Curves - Freya Holmer